Who Am I
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
You wont be expecting me to say this after getting a doctorate yesteray..But I wasnt that happy and would never be happy. Why?
Yesterday, I hear a news from my mother saying, the neighbour who stays below our flat in Chennai has cancer! Her name is Priya and she was so pretty. And now due to chemotherapy, she has lost all her hair and is in a real bad state.
Today, I hear another news from my mother saying that, one of our friend's family was killed in an accident while driving to Trichy for a wedding. The entire family (10 members) perished in the incident except his son who is a 13 year old. That uncle looks just like actor Vikram and we used to call him Vikram!
I always felt life was full of sorrows with little happiness here and there..I was always paranoid about death and disease and will continue to be! The very thought of losing your loved ones kills me! Life is not to be enjoyed but to be realised! Life is disgusting!
Seek refuge in Arunachala. He can give you Eternal Happiness!
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Finally Arjuna became Dr.Arjuna today! :)
I am dedicating my degree, onto the Lotus Feet of my Mother Chandraleela, whom I have considered to be an incarnation of the Divine and an epitome of Pure, Selfless Love. I take this moment to thank Lord Arunachala in the form of Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba for giving me a great Mother - without whom I would have never even existed! Without her sacrifices, I would have never come upto this level in life.
இது என் தாய் போட்ட பிட்ச்சை!
Monday, August 29, 2005
By seeing Chidambaram, by being born, in Tiruvarur, by dying in Kasi,or by merely thinking of Arunachala, one will surely attain Liberation.
The supreme knowledge (Self-knowledge), the import of Vedanta, which cannot be attained without great difficulty, can easily be attained by anyone who sees the form of this hill from wherever it is visible or who even thinks of it by mind from afar. Such is the assurance given by Lord Siva in the Arunachala Mahatmyam about the power of the mere thought of Arunachala, and this assurance has received striking confirmation from the life and teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramana.
The Arunachala hill is located in the town of Thiruvannamalai, 185km southwest of the city of Chennai in the south of India. Sri Agasthiar emphatically states that the Arunachala hill is the concrete form of Sri Arunachala, the Universal Lord. It's that form of God that even our ordinary human eyes can perceive. Arunachala, the hill and Arunachala, the Lord are non different. Why? Because the Arunachala Hill itself is a Siva Lingam. This is foundational spiritual reality which has been personally experienced and vouchsafed by all Siddhas.
The Arunachala Hill is a Brahmanda Lingam. It is the biggest Siva lingam in the world. It is the viswaroopa (Universal) form of the Lord. Arunachala is the only holy place where one have the Lord's viswaroopa darshan 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Arunachala is the spiritual focal point of the universe. It is the endless spiritual fount that nourishes all beings. It is the spiritual cornucopia that embraces all spiritual seekers. It is the spiritual magnet that attracts spiritual seekers from all corners of the universe. It is the spiritual panacea for everyone, irrespective of race, religion or nationality.
Sri Arunachala is the quintessential jothi lingam. Wherever you see a jothi (fire), know it to be a part of Arunachala. The Jews light the minorah. Christians light candles. The Zoroastrians light their sacred fire. The Hindus light their lamp jothi. The Tibetan Buddhists light their butter lamps. All these worship procedures honor God. Thus every religion practices jothi worship.
The Arunachala hill is so charged with spiritual energy that spiritual benefits get magnified manifold here. Spiritual activities conducted in Arunachala are thousand times more efficacious when compared to other places. The place is constantly buzzing with millions and millions of Siddhas in their subtle form who bestow countless spiritual blessings on the devotees engaged in spiritual pursuits in Arunachala. Hence the importance of visiting Arunachala and engaging oneself in spiritual activities there.
Everything in the universe is represented in Arunachala. Thus circling the Arunachala hill is like circling the universe. This is why the Siddhas say that circling the Arunachala hill is the most effective spiritual practice for all beings. Circling the Arunachala hill is referred to as Arunachala girivalam. This is the best spiritual exercise for all of us. Regular practice of this spiritual exercise is Girivala Yoga, the simplest yet most effective yogic practice known to man.
Even though circling the Arunachala hill takes just three and a half hours, there's no spiritual activity in the universe which is its equal. Every human being, irrespective of race, religion or nationality MUST do it at least once in his or her lifetime. It doesn't matter if you live ten thousand miles away. You must make the trip to Arunachala just to circle the hill. The spiritual benefits of doing so can NOT be described in words, say the Siddhas.
Sri Agasthiar says that if you circle the Arunachala hill but once, you'll destroy the karma of ten million births. No other spiritual exercise has this kind of power. If circling the Arunachala hill once can bestow so much spiritual good, imagine circling the hill thousands of times! Those who circle the hill thousands of times are the ones who become Siddhas. In his writings Sri Bhagavan Ramana has repeatedly confirmed the mysterious power that the thought of Arunachala has over the mind. In his Tamil Collected Works, under the picture of Arunachala, there is a verse that can be considered as his dhyana sloka (verse of contemplation) upon his Sadguru, Arunachala Siva. In this verse he sings, 'This is Arunachala-Siva, the ocean ofgrace that bestows liberation when thought of''. In the first verse of Sri Arunachala Aksharamanamalai (The Marital Garland of Letters) he sings, 'O Arunachala, you root out the ego of those who think of you in the heart as ''Arunachala'''.
Arunachala is truly a holy place. Of all holy places it is the most sacred! Know that it is the heart of the world. It is truly Siva himself! It is his heart-abode, a secret kshetra. In that place the Lord ever abides the hill of light named Arunachala.
P.S: This blog is a result of various articles I read on the web about Lord Arunachala. Its not my own work and so any praises should go to my Lord Arunachala and the devotees who wrote about Him, not me.
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Before, I get into this topic, I should say I am not happy with my previous posts. For the past one week, I have been posting blogs that contained more material aspects rather than focussing on posts that deal with social and philosophical aspects. So the forthcoming series of posts would focus more on these aspects.

Now coming on to the topic..Have you guys been watching Sun TV's sapthaswarangal for the past few months? They have this contest between colleges..I was not a great fan of Sapthaswarangal (as I felt it was quite monotonous) till I watched an episode featuring Crescent Engg College. This was few months back..and this college is simply amazing..Today their semi-final was telecasted. Their lead singer Priya is awesome. Her voice is just out of the world! They are in the semi-final stage just because of her awesome singing backed up with great orchestra. In the preliminaries, she sang "minsara poove" from Padayappa and "poo malai" from Thanga magan - and ho boy, what a performance!! She would definitely give all our current singers a run for their money! And today she comes up with an absolute stunner with the remix version of "janani, janani". I have recorded all the episodes featuring her and shall try to upload it for you guys to view it. Dont miss the final part of the semi-finals next week! Crescent Engg College rocks!
Friday, August 26, 2005
Aatma, here you go :) - I wrote this one long time ago and posted it in my yahoogroup..Reproducing it now..Interestingly Shankar came up with something similar in Anniyan!! Great minds think alike huh ;)
Dear Asin,
I wish to apply for the post of your husband as
advertised in
I am currently pursuing a PhD degree at King's College London. I am currently writing up my thesis and I expect to defend my thesis early next year.
Your looks coupled with the unique involvement in business has prompted me to apply for this prestigious position. I am approaching you with the conviction that I can offer the following :
* Willingness to understand you.
* Enthusiasm, dedication and responsibility
* Willingness and capability to become an active member in your family.
* Excellent communication skills.
As a testimony to my interest in you, I have started a yahoogroup for you. I strongly feel, given my background I will be able to make a worthy contribution as your life partner.
I see in you, a mutually beneficial association that will give me a
chance to realize my goals.
Yours faithfully
Thursday, August 25, 2005
TCP Checksum contains the 16 bit one's compliment of the one's complement sum of all the 16 bit words in the header and data!!!!!!
Mandai Kayuthu!
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
When Chakra in his blog mentioned this new phrase of "going dutch", I was wondering what on earth is this..After a rigorous search, I stumbled upon the following:
"DUTCH TREAT - " When you're invited to a 'Dutch treat' or a 'Dutch luncheon,' the host expects each guest to pay his own way. From the "Morris Dictionary of Word and Phrase Origins" by William and Mary Morris (HarperCollins, New York, 1977), Mr. and Mrs. Morris call "Dutch treat" a derogatory phrase.
Probably no nationality has come in for so consistent a torrent of verbal abuse from the English as their neighbors across the channel the Dutch. In the 17th century the English-Dutch hostility over control of the seas and disputed parts of the New World was intense. The anti-Dutch tradition of early English settlers persisted and gives (America) such terms as 'Dutch treat,' 1887; 'go Dutch,' 1931, no treat at all, each person paying for his own meal or ticket." From the "Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins" by Robert Hendrickson, "The Dutch people have been so offended by the English language over the past three centuries that in 1934 their government decided to drop the word 'Dutch' and use 'Netherlands' whenever possible."
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Today I saw a funny news in SUN TV! The female you see on the top left hand corner on the picture has cheated a guy from Canada by showing the photo of my favourite actress Asin has hers through the Internet! Moreover, this female had received a whopping 2 Lakhs and 70 thousand rupees worth of gifts from him!! This idiotic guy was dreaming of marrying this 'beautiful' girl and went and showed the picture of Asin to his friends, who in turn recognised that it was actress Asin and told him that he has been cheated! Now this guy has reported to the Chennai police, who in turn have caught this female red handed!!
This is indeed funny news. I have a friend here in London who is in the same position. We play tennis together and I am going to show this blog to him as well. He found his girlfriend through the Internet and seeing her 'beautiful' picture, he has fallen in love with her!! He spends 60 pounds per week on phones to India and all he does is sing some stupid songs!. He has sent innumerous gifts to her and her parents! The worst thing is he comes from a struggling middle class family who have high hopes on him! I have advised him so many times, but he never listened! I told him never to trust a girl - that too someone whom he has never seen, but this guy never seems to listen. He has to see this news!
I remember one friend of mine who was in love with an e-girl for 6 months and then found out that 's'-he was none other than his friend who is a boy!
Guys this is a serious warning to you all. Never trust girls and never ever trust e-girls!
Remember: "Seerum Pambai Nambu, Ilikum (Sirikum) Pennai Nambathey!" -Sundali Sithar!
Its been confirmed that my thalaivar A.R.Rahman will score the music for "Sivaji" - Wow this is definitely good news! Source: www.dinamani.com
The latest buzz is that AVM produced Rajnikanth film to be directed by Shankar is titled Sivaji.
Meanwhile the buzz in trade circles is that the Rajni-Shankar combo can fetch a market price of Rs 40-50 Crore as the combine distributors share of Chandramukhi and Anniyan worldwide would easily cover Rs 100 Crore! - Sify.com
I just read this news in Sify.com. Superstar Rajnikanth and director Shankar are coming together in a film to be produced by AVM. This is slated to be the biggest ever film made in South India. The deal was finalized today and it seems Shankar has already started work on the script of the film which is planned for next year's release. This news has been confirmed by AVM Saravanan too, where he said that this film will be their 168th film. Moreover this film will be Rajni’s 9th film with their banner and Shankar’s 9th film as a director. Its time to say lakalakalaka! :)
Monday, August 22, 2005
Our dearest Captain has become the latest sensation. Times magazine has come up with his photo in their cover page. Awesome - All Indians should be proud of this ;)
Thanks Keerthi ;)
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Today I went to my aunty's house in Dulwich. When I returned back home, I had to take the no. 3 bus to Brixton from where I was supposed to take the tube. I was waiting for the bus for 12 minutes and then the bus came. So I took out my ticket and waved at the bus. But the bus didnt stop! Then only I realized that I was standing in the opposite bus stop and waving at the bus in which I was supposed to go!!!! I then had to cross over to the opposite bus stop and take the bus back home after waiting for another 12 minutes!
This incident is quite worrying! My absent mindedness has cost me a lot the past 3 months!
My brand new Volkswago Bora got stolen in the gym because I forgot and left my car key in some treadmill. The car was just 4 weeks old! I bought the car on May 12 and lost the car on June 11th.
The insurance gave me another replacement car and I went and crashed this car (in one week's time), as I was lost in contemplation on the Divine!
Four years back, I got down at Baker Street and took the tube to Oxford Circus, and then again went to the opposite platform and took the tube back to Baker Street! And this time I was lost in contemplation on a JAVA program!
One worst incident was, I asked my best friend his name while we were having lunch in our hostel mess at REC, Trichy! I had been knowing him for three years!
My lecturer at REC, Trichy used to say "Arjuna, you are physically present but mentally absent!", and that seems to be very true. Whenever I talk to people, I get lost in my dreams and I just keep on shaking the head as if I am listening to them..and my friend Shweta once got pissed off and said "Arjuna, you dont listen to me, do you?"...I know girls dont like that! They love to be listened, but I can never do that unfortunately :(..
Are these worrying signs of Alzhemirs? Or are these signs of a famous researcher in the making ? ;) - I dont have a clue!
Friday, August 19, 2005
Divine Discourse by my Lord Bhagwan Sathya Sai Baba
The advent of Krishna
Who is Krishna? When was He born? Krishna was born in the month of Sraavana, in the Krishnapaksha (dark fortnight), on Ashtami day, in a dark room, as a dark child. Sraavana means that which gives sravanam (hearing), delight to the ear. It is significant that among the nine forms of devotion, the first place is given to Sravanam, listening to the glories of the Lord, and the final stage is Atmanivedanam (total surrender). Today men tend to listen to all kinds of evil things, but do not lend their ears to hear what is pure and holy. What you should hear--sravana-is all about God and not other trivial gossip.
Unfortunately, it is a sign of the Kali age that people are eager to listen to bad tales about others and do not seek to listen to the holy name of the Lord. You are given eyes to seek a vision of the Lord of Kailasa. You are endowed with the feet for going to the Lord's temple and not to loiter in alleys and bylanes. All organs and limbs have been given to man for adoring the Lord.
Dharma, in essence, means making use of every limb for the sacred purpose for which it is intended. See good; think good; speak good; go to good places; do good deeds. What do we mean by the use of the word "good'"? It is not what someone else advises you to do. The Divine is not somewhere outside. He is within you. The consciousness of what is good must arise from within you. That is the voice of Conscience. Act according to the dictates of your Conscience.
When the question is asked, "Where is God?" the answer is given (in the Gita sloka): "Aham Vaiswaanaro bhutva praaninaam deham Asritah; Prana Apaana Samaayuktah Pachaamyannam Chaturvidham." (As Vaiswanaara I have entered every living being and I digest all the four kinds of food). The Lord thus declares that He is within everyone as the digesting agent, who supplies nourishment to all parts of the body. God is present in everyone as Vaiswaanara. Therefore, while taking food, you should offer it to the Divine first by reciting the sloka:
Brahmaarpanam Brahma Havih,Brahmaagnau BrahmanaahuthamBrahmaiva thena Gantha VyamBrahma Karma Samaadhinaa.
(Brahmam is everything: the offering is Brahmam, the sacrificial fire is Brahmam, Brahmam is the goal and the means).
From darkness to light
Krishna was born during the Krishnapaksha, the dark fortnight of the month. The effulgence of the Lord is seen with greater effect when it is dark. In a world of disorder, Krishna was born to establish order. He was born on Ashtami day. Ashtami is associated with trouble and difficulties. When do troubles arise? When righteousness is forgotten. Krishna's advent signifies the dispelling of darkness, the removal of troubles, banishing of ignorance and teaching mankind the Supreme Wisdom.
Krishna's primary role was that of teacher. He taught the Gita to Arjuna. He told Arjuna: "Be only My instrument!" Krishna thereby declared: "Using you as an instrument I am reforming the whole world." All the teachings of the Divine are related to Dharma and Prema (Divine Love).
The gopikas prayed to Krishna that He should never leave their hearts in which they had installed Him. Mira also sang in the same strain. "I dived deep into the ocean and found a pearl. Will you let me slip it out of my hand?" (Swami sang the song in Tamil).
People tend to look upon the devotion of the gopikas in worldly terms. Their minds never turned towards any sensory objects. They were completely free from sensual desires. All their desires were concentrated on God. They viewed the entire universe as the manifestation of God.
Key to inner peace is within you
The gopikas did not concern themselves with the question whether the Divine was attributeless or full of attributes. They preferred to worship the Divine in the form of Krishna and they wanted their forms to merge in the Divine. "Thereby we shall be formless," they declared.
It is when we forget our form that we can merge in the Formless. The Divine cannot be experienced through Dhyana (meditation) or japa (reciting Lord's name). This is a delusion. These practices may give momentary peace of mind. To experience permanent joy and the Knowledge of the Spirit you have to develop your Divine nature. For this, the environment must also be congenial. Such an environment can be secured only in a place with pure and Divine vibrations. This was the reason why the ancient sages sought the solitude of the forests for their penance in divinely charged atmosphere. They betook themselves to the forests because they felt that the happenings in the villages were not conducive to mental purity. This was sign of weakness. It is not necessary to go to a forest if you can concentrate on the Divine Atma dwelling in the heart. The forest is remote. Here you have "For rest" your heart. The key to inner peace is within you and not outside. In the atmosphere of a sacred Divine presence, you can promote more effectively your quest for peace.
Each Avatar has its own relevance
In the understanding of the role of Avatars, the easiest, and the sweetest means was revealed by Krishna Avatar to the largest extent. This does not mean that the other Avatars are irrelevant. Each Avatar is appropriate for the time of its advent. This may be illustrated by a small example. When there is a petty quarrel in the street, a policeman's intervention is enough. When there is riotous crowd, a Police Inspector may be necessary to deal with it. In an insurgency, the Inspector-General of Police will have to take charge of the situation.
When Dharma was showing signs of decline, Rama appeared to protect Dharani (the earth), Dharma Patni (his consort) and Dharma (Righteousness). It was for these three-fold purposes that Rama Avatar took place.
By the time of Krishna Avatar, the forces of wickedness had grown to greater proportions. Krishna was not concerned much about the earth or the wife. His main concern was with Dharma. When Dharma is firmly established, the earth and the Dharma-Patni are also duly protected.
In this context, Rama is described as "Maya maanusha vigraha" (Maya in human form). In the story of Rama, it is related that Rama lamented over the loss of Sita. In Krishna Avatar the picture is different. Women were in distress for the sake of Krishna.
In Rama Avatar, Rama was provoked to take arms against evildoers. In Krishna Avatar, Krishna provoked the conflict and fought the evildoers.
In Rama Avatar, duty comes first and joy later. In Krishna Avatar, joy comes first and then duty.
Looked at in this way, the difference between the Mayaavatar of Rama and the Leelaavatar of Krishna will be apparent. Krishna was always immersed in bliss. Whether it was a burial ground, or a battlefield or a haven of peace, he remained the same. Krishna was standing between two immense opposing armies and He sang a song. That is the Gita, which means song. Would it be possible for anyone to sing in such a situation? One sings only when one is happy. Krishna, because He was the embodiment of joy could sing even on the battlefield.
What is the-use of lamenting over anything? All things are passing clouds. Nothing is lasting. Why then, bewail over any loss? You should not bother about them. This is the teaching of the Avatar. Don't feel distressed over anything that may happen. Every pain is followed by some pleasure. Pleasure is an interval between two pains. It is on this basis that you should lead your lives.
Where there is God there is victory
There is a vast difference between Divine bliss and momentary pleasure. What is called happiness is incidental to a situation and is not permanent. But Ananda (bliss) is different. It is lasting. When you are hungry, you go to the canteen and feel happy after taking food. But that does not last long. Permanent happiness can be got only through devotion to the Divine. Avatars make their advent only to confer Divine bliss on mankind.
The petty difficulties met with in everyday life can be overcome by love. Once you cultivate love, you can overcome any difficulty. Strive for God's grace. But do not regard God as different from you. He is within you. Where there is God, there is victory. That is the inner meaning of the last stanza in the Gita: "Yathra Yogeswarah Krishno Yathra Paartho Dhanurdharah Tatra Sri Vijayo Bhutir-Dhruvaa nitir-mathir mama." The esoteric meaning of this sloka is: "The heart in which the Lord of Yoga dwells and where there is the courage and strength represented by Arjuna, there all prosperity and success are assured."
The meaning of the term "Krishna"
We must understand properly the meaning of the term Krishna. The word has three meanings. One is: "Krishyathi iti Krishnah" (The one who cultivates is Krishna). What is it that has to be cultivated? The Hridayakshetra (field of the heart). Krishna cultivates the field of our hearts by removing the weeds of bad qualities, watering it with love, ploughing it with the use of sadhana, and sowing the seeds of devotion. This is how Krishna cultivates out hearts.
The second meaning of the word is: "Karshathi iti Krishnah." (The one who attracts is Krishna). Krishna attracts you by His eyes, His speech, His sports, and by every action of His. By His words, He softens and calms the hearts of even those filled with hatred and makes them rejoice. Krishna displayed these qualities even as a small child. Once He had entered the house of a gopika at night, climbed a pillar to get at the butter that was kept in a pot suspended from the ceiling. The gopika woke up, caught Him in the act and held fast His legs, saying that she would now expose Him before His mother Yasoda. She asked Him what he was doing at the top of the pillar. Krishna, in the most innocent manner, answered that he was searching for the calf that was missing from His house. The gopika could not contain her laugher at the answer. And as she laughed, she let go Krishna's feet and this gave Him the chance to jump down and make good His escape. A third meaning of the word Krishna is "Kushyathi iti Krishna"(one who is always blissful). Krishna was always in a state of bliss.
It was because He had these various qualities, the sage Garga named Him Krishna. The ordinary meaning of the word Krishna is "one who is dark." But people think only of this meaning and forget the deeper and truer meanings of the Lord's name.
Krishna delighted the world by His Leelas
The essence of Krishna's life is, He proclaimed the Truth to the world, propagated the eternal verities and delighted the world by His Leelas. When Balaram told Yasoda that he had found Krishna eating mud, Yasoda questioned Him about it. In reply, Krishna said: "Oh mother, am I a child, a miscreant or a madcap to eat mud? See for yourself whether there is any mud in my mouth." And when He opened His mouth, Yasoda was awe-struck to see the fourteen worlds of the Cosmos in that Divine mouth. She could not believe her eyes and exclaimed: "Is this a dream? Or is it the Maya of Vishnu? Is it an illusion produced by someone? Is it true? Am I Yasoda or someone else? I am totally bewildered."
Yasoda had no faith in herself and hence could not recognize Krishna's divinity. Confidence in one's self is the prerequisite for the recognition of Divinity. The reason in Yasoda's case is that she always looked upon Krishna as her son and the maternal attachment clouded her understanding.
Every episode connected with Krishna is a marvel. That was why Vyasa declared that all the stories relating to the avatars of Vishnu are full of wonder and beauty.
Every Avatar is an amazing phenomenon. Not to recognize the Avatar is equally a matter for amazement. Even more astonishing is the incapacity to experience the presence of the Avatar. Most astonishing of all is to be in the presence of the Lord and feel miserable. To be in the proximity of the Avatar, to move about with the Avatar, to sing and sport with the Avatar and yet fail to understand the truth of the Avatar is indeed a remarkable phenomenon. When the Avatar principle is understood, you experience real bliss.
When you have faith in the Divine, life becomes a victorious journey.
Occasion:Krishna Janmashtami
Place:Prashanti Nilayam
Like a feast to a starving man,
Sahasrasirsha Purusha Sahasraakshas Sahasrapaad. The Lord has a myriad heads, myriad eyes and myriad feet. The entire cosmos and every living being in it are reflections of the Divine.
Oblivious to the presence of this sacred Divine within himself, man embarks on the quest for God. He behaves like a man who goes to his neighbor for milk, forgetting the wish-fulfilling cow in his backyard. Avatars are of two kinds: One, Amsaavatar; two, purnaavatar. All human beings are Amsaavatar (partial incarnation of the Divine). "Mamaivaamso jeevaloke jeevabhutah-sanaatanah" (A part of My eternal soul Self has become the Jiva--individual soul--in the world of living beings), says Krishna in the Gita. These partial incarnations, caught up in Maya, develop egoism and possessiveness and lead worldly lives. The Purnaavatars, however, subduing and transcending Maya, manifest their full divinity to the world in their lives. The Purnaavatar may behave, according to the circumstances, as if He were subject to Maya, but in fact He is free from Maya at all times.
The Lord manifests in different Avatars
In the Rama Avatar, for instance, Rama conducted himself as if he was subject to Maya, but upheld Dharma for promoting the welfare of the world. The Krishna Avatar was different. Keeping Maya under control, He manifested His leelas (miraculous deeds). This was why Vyasa, in his Bhagavatha, characterized Krishna as "Leelaamaanusha Vigrahah" (The Divine manifesting as man for performing His Leelas). The Bhagavatha has described in detail the leelas of Krishna and proclaimed His glory to the world.
In the Krishna Avatar, Krishna not only performed many marvelous deeds, but also taught the Supreme Wisdom to the world. He was one who had transcended the gunas, but, for the sake of regeneration of the world, behaved as if He was influenced by the gunas, and delighted the world by His deeds. Sanjay Sahani (who had spoken earlier) said that whatever Krishna did was for the welfare of the world. Krishna did everything, whatever He spoke or whatever action He did, for the good and well being of the world. But some people, not understanding this truth owing to their own limitations, attributed wrong motives for some of Krishna's actions. In this they reflected their own feelings.
The Parama Bhakti of the gopikas
Prema (Love) is nectarine in its sweetness. Bhakti (Love for the Lord) was the highest expression of devotion among the gopikas (the cowherdesses of Gokulam) because they were saturated with the sweetness of Divine Love. They did not seek liberation or higher knowledge. The ecstasy they derived from merely seeking Krishna, they did not get from any other source. Narada coined the phrase, "Parama Bhakti" (Supreme Devotion) to describe the devotion of the gopikas. These supreme devotees regarded the Lord as their companion and most precious treasure. So intense was their devotion that they used to go about as highly intoxicated persons who were unmindful of the world. Leaving their homes, on hearing the music of Krishna's flute, they rushed to the forest in search of Krishna, oblivious to everything.
The Gopikas realized that Jnana (supreme wisdom) consisted in experiencing oneness with the Divine and that all other knowledge was only mundane and related to the physical. Krishna was everything for them. In their feeling of oneness with the Divine, they made no distinction between the animate and the inanimate. They saw the Divine in everything. Pothana (author of the Telugu Bhagavatham) has beautifully described the feelings of the gopikas when they went in search of Krishna in the forest. (Bhagavan recited the poem in which the gopikas describe Krishna and ask the jasmine creepers to tell them whether Krishna is hiding in any of their bushes). Having tasted the nectar of the devotion of Krishna, the gopikas would not think of seeking anything else.
Krishna is said to have stolen butter from the houses of the gopikas. The butter, which He stole, was the pure, milk-white hearts of the gopikas. Butter is pure and soft. The hearts of the gopikas were like butter. (Bhagavan recited poems in which Yasoda tells Krishna about the complaints she had received from the gopikas against Him and says she will tie Him to a mortar so that He may not go to other houses for stealing their butter). Yasoda did not realize the divinity of Krishna, though even in small things Krishna used to reveal His Divine powers.
In the Treta Yuga, Rama came as the very embodiment of Sathya and Dharma (Truth and Righteousness). In the Dwapara Yuga, the Lord incarnated as Krishna, the embodiment of Santhi and Prema.
The world is full of egoism and acquisitiveness, lust and hatred. When man tries to utilize Nature to get rid of these bad traits, then he will be able to experience peace, love, and forbearance. Love can be got only though love and by no other means. Hence, spiritual aspirants should develop Divine love. Love is Divine. It seeks no return. Its only aim is to realize God.
Embodiments of the Divine! Do not think that celebration of the birth of Krishna relates to what happened some millennia ago in the Dwapara Yuga. Everyone has to cherish the Krishna consciousness in one's heart every moment ceaselessly.
Thursday, August 18, 2005

For the past 3 months, I am trying desperately to get hold of the copy of the Amar Chithra Katha's Mahabarata (entire 42 volumes). Amar Chithra Katha has released the Mahabharata as a 3-volume hard bound set each containing 13 volumes and its priced at Rs 835/-. Unfortunately, when I tried to buy the set from http://www.amarchitrakatha.com/, its out of stock! Its a treasure I would cherish, and I shall make sure that I get it!
I was introduced to the great Mahabarata through my mother's divine voice who used to tell me those fascinating stories of the Kuru princes. My mother was instrumental in getting me the first copy of Amar Chithra Katha's Mahabarata. I grew up reading all the 42 volumes which strengthened my knowledge in the greatest epic of all time. The story of Mahabarata was always a fascination to me unlike the Ramayana. For me Ramayana did not have any spice in it!It was like our tamil mega serials with loads of family sentiments. But Mahabarata was a thriller! Maybe its because of the presence of the Superstar Lord Krishna which made it so interesting. To draw an analogy, personally for me Lord Rama was like Shivaji Ganesan, a very good performer but lacked that necessary charm which Lord Krishna (who was like our MGR) had in abundance. The way he romanced, the way he fought the evil, his friendly nature are completely unparalleled. He was of magnificient splendour. He fought against the evil in the society for the welfare of the people. Thus he became the leader of the masses. Maybe its due to the fact that Lord Krishna was a Poorna Avatar unlike Lord Rama who was more like us. This leads us to an interesting discussion. Why did I claim that Lord Krishna was a Poorna Avatar whereas Lord Rama was more like us..I shall be writing about it in my next blog which would be dedicated to the role of the Avatars..In the mean time, put in your thoughts :)
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Scene 1:
Yesterday when I was travelling on a bus, I saw an incident which made me put this post. There was an old gujju lady trying to get into the bus and was struggling to get in. So a young black guy helped her get onto the bus by holding her hands. This old lady started screaming "leave my hand, leave my hand" and the black guy got so pissed off, he pulled her out of the bus and he went in. When I saw the incident, I was pissed off with this black guy and thought of going and bashing him up, but when I pondered upon the incident, I felt what he did was right! This guy tried to help someone who is in need, but the needy person has insulted him in public. I am quite sure that this guy will never help anyone!
Scene 2:
Three months ago, when I was driving to the tennis courts, one asian guy in his fifties came and asked me for a lift to the tube station. Seeing his plight, I asked him to get in. From his beard, I knew that this guy was a muslim. Seeing me, he should have thought I was a muslim! When he came in, he asked me for my name. When I said my name is Arjuna - he got pissed off! He started saying - "your should throw away your religion - your religion is old and Islam is new - you are betraying God - blah blah" - and mind you he is inside my car and I am helping him out!! I was so pissed off - but being a HINDU - I tolerated it!! I asked him "Are you trying to say that I should throw away anything that is old?". He said "Yes"..So I asked him that means should I throw away my parents, grand parents etc? He didnt have an answer to my question! He said "No, no they are not old as Hinduism!". What rubbish! I just smiled and when the station came I dropped him in. The whole journey he did not smile at me!
This incident made me to rethink my policies. I decided never to give a lift to anyone. Even if he is a needy person I should not give. My family members advised me not to give a lift to old people since if anything happens to them inside my car - then I am in a soup!!! I will be behind bars!
Now the point of my post is, from Scene 1 and Scene 2, what do you infer? What I inferred was, even if a person wants to do good to the society, he ends up in trouble! Its better for him to mind his own business, rather than helping others! In countries like India and Srilanka, if someone gets an accident and if there is someone to help him, and if something bad happens to the person who met an accident, then this person who helped him has to face the consequences! So how will anyone come to help? This totally contradicts what Shankar was trying to say in Anniyan! There are many people in this world who are ready to help the society. But they are not able to do so. And the only sole reason is "Society does not allow them to do so".
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Inside the mind of a blind man

Before I start the topic - I just want to say that I am not starting a B-grade topic here. I have been contemplating about this question for a long time since I saw BLACK and I guess its high time I get an answer to it.
In BLACK, a scene comes where Rani Mukherjee wants a kiss from her teacher Amitabh Bachan. She is yearning to be loved - so I dont see any lust in there..But a question arose to me..
Will a man who has been blind by birth have any kind of lust within him? He would have never seen his opposite sex to be attracted towards them. He wouldnt even know how a girl would look like. A man's mind is always pure during birth. Only when he grows up, the things he sees and hears make his mind corrupt. So in case of a blind man - he does not see anything bad and if he is also deaf then he would not hear anything bad - so arguably he should not get any lustful feelings - Isnt it? Am I right here?
Sunday, August 14, 2005

Then-natin Tsunami, thenpandi singam, varungala thamilagam Puratchi Star Annan Chakra, Londonil nadapera virukum ma-perum maanatil pangupera anaithu Indhiya bloggers-yum alaikiraar. Anaivarum alai kadal-ena thirandu vaarir..! Annanin pugal paadir..!
Inviting Indian Bloggers in UK for the first ever Indian Bloggers Meet in London. Keep yourself free on Sunday, 28th August 2005.
Contact Annan via e-mail: sam_chakra [at] yahoo [dot] com or mobile: 07736676377.
Unnai Valtha Vayathilai, Vanagukiren
Annanin Thondan "Chakra" Arjuna
Preston Road Chakra Rasigar Mandram
Udal Mannuku Uyir Chakravuku
Friday, August 12, 2005
The ignorant and arrogant Karunanidhi, the former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, claimed Bhagwat Gita preaches the caste system that leads to classification of humans by birth and the Gita is not acceptable to the Dravidian tradition. He ridiculed Bhagwat Gita for his stupid political ambitions. What does Karunanidhi know about Hinduism? What does the DK founder Periyar know about Hinduism? These so called aethist politicians dont understand the inner significance of Hinduism and try to potray themselves as the saviours of mankind by ridiculing our religion, saying Hinduism preaches the caste system. When I read the news about Karunanidhi making his idiotic comments last September, I immediately sent an email to Sujatha explaining him the inner significance of the caste system and asked him to write in his "Katrathum Petrathum" section in Anandha Vikatan about it. Sujatha then came up with his own version of the caste system concept the following week.
I wanted to write about the inner significance of the caste system for a long time and I take this opportunity to explain to you what the caste system means according to the Hindu scriptures.
I am reproducing the following para from the famous book "Man's Eternal Quest" by Paramahansa Yogananda.
"Caste in its original conception was not a hereditary status, but a classification based on man's natural capacities. In his evolution, man passes through four distinct grades, designated by ancient Hindu sages as Sudra, Vaisya, Kshatriya and Brahmin. The Sudra is interested primarily in satisfying his bodily needs and desires; the work that best suits his state of development is bodily labour. The Vaisya is ambitious for worldly gain as well as for satisfaction of the senses; he has more creative ability than the Sudra and seeks occupation as a farmer, a businessman, an artist, or wherever his mental energy finds fullfillment. The Kshatriya, having through many lives fulfilled the desires of the Sudra and Vaisya states, begins to seek the meaning of life; he tries to overcome his bad habits, to control his senses, and to do what is right. Kshatriya by occupation are noble rulers, statesmen, warriors. The Brahmin has overcome his lower nature, has a natural affinity for spiritual pursuits, and is God knowing, able therefore to teach and help liberate others."
Thus the caste system is the classification based on the mental state of man's mind rather than birth. It is sad to know that our fellow Hindus didnt understand the inner significance of the caste system which lead to severe ill treatment of the so called lower class people! This has given a reason for these morons to ridicule our great religion that preaches the Eternal Truth. Its high time we study our religious scriptures comprehending its inner significances!
Note: I want to be a Brahmin!
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Wow - I just read from Vikatan.com that Maniratnam is about to direct a hollywood film. He has prepared three stories and has narrated them to a famous hollywood production company and he would choose one story for his next venture. More information will be know soon. Music will definitely be composed by the great A.R.Rahman.
Also check this out:
After 'The Rising', which hits the theatres on August 12th, Bobby Bedi will nosedive into making 'The Mahabharata'. Mani Ratnam will direct the venture, which will cost at least 100 crores. In what would be Bollywood's biggest cinematic venture (grapevine says that the budget could touch even 300 crores) and the mother of all blockbusters, the buzz is that Bedi and Ratnam are thinking of Amitabh Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan, Aamir Khan, Salman Khan, Sanjay Dutt, Ajay Devgan and Rani Mukherjee in pivotal roles. Further grapevine suggests that Aishwarya Rai will play Draupadi. Speaking to this writer, Bobby Bedi said, "Yes, I am planning 'The Mahabharata'. I am not too sure whether it will be my next film after 'The Rising' because I plan to shoot only from January 2007 onwards," adding, "I have not yet cast anybody, But yes, I will make the film with big established actors." Bedi says that the thought of making this film arose while reading Girish Karnad's book Agnivarsha that is set in the pre-Mahabharata days. "I read Karnad's book about five years back and that is what set my mind ticking in this direction." Bedi explained why Ratnam will don the director's hat. "I've known Mani for 25 years. I have seen all his films. He is a great filmmaker who dwells upon every detail in his films, which will be of paramount importance in recreating the epic."
Any guesses on the cast and technical crew apart from ARR?
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
As per fellow blogger Krishna's request, I am posting this topic. This thread contains high voltage spiritual stuff and its a very important read if you have an inclination towards Hinduism and Spirituality :) ..Please take your time to read it :)
bhaktya tu ananyaya sakya
aham evam-vidho 'rjuna
jnatum drashtum ca tattvena
praveshtum ca parantapa
(Bhagwat Gita Chapter 11, Verse 54)
bhaktya -- by devotional service; tu -- but; ananyaya -- without being mixed with fruitive activities or speculative knowledge; sakyah -- possible; aham -- I; evam-vidhah -- like this; arjuna -- O Arjuna; jnatum -- to know; drashtum -- to see; ca -- and; tattvena -- in fact; praveshtum -- to enter into; ca -- also; parantapa -- O mighty-armed one
The following are the excerpts of Bhagwan Sathya Sai Baba on the three concepts of Hinduism that is required for self realization:
The Three Stages on the Spiritual Path
Fill your heart with one-pointed devotion and God will reveal himself within you. Then you will see him as he truly is. In time, you will merge with him and become one with him.
Embodiments of Love,
There are three principal stages that you must follow on the spiritual path in order to reach your spiritual goal. They have been described in a number of different ways in the Gita. At the end of the 11th chapter, wherein Lord Krishna gives Arjuna the vision of his cosmic form, you will find the three stages presented as follows:
First, you must know that God is here (Jnatum). Then you must have a direct vision of him (Drashtum). Finally, you must merge with him (Praveshtum). These three steps will lead you to liberation.
In the first step, you learn through the words of the scriptures or a teacher, that God really exists. But merely knowing this truth does not give you unlimited joy. You discover that God is here, but you also realize that you and God are separate. This feeling of separation can serve as the basis for subsequent steps on the path, but in itself it does not provide much lasting satisfaction.
Gradually, the anguish of separation from God moves you on to the next step. The desire develops in you to gain the direct personal experience and vision of God. You feel, "I want to see you, dear Lord. How can I experience you directly?" But, you find that it does not happen so easily just by wishing for it. You must deeply pine and yearn for this vision; you must constantly aspire to see him. Whatever form or aspect of God you have come to love in your devotion, you must now yearn for it with all your heart and wish to see it directly. If your yearning is sincere, then after some time he will make himself known to you in a most personal way, and give you this sought-for vision of himself. Here is a small story to illustrate this.
There was a poor cowherd boy, who had a great deal of faith and an intense yearning to see God. One day, in the village where this boy lived, a preacher came to deliver some spiritual discourses. The preacher would gather together an audience and sing the glories and exploits of the Lord. It was not possible for this cowherd boy to give up his work and come to all the meetings, because all day long he had to attend to his cows. But in the evenings he would bring the animals into a sheltered place and then go to hear the preacher give his talk. The cowherd boy would listen with great earnestness and care to all that was being said.
The preacher was a follower of Lord Vishnu, and so he related the characteristic features of God in the form of Vishnu, or Narayana, as he is also called. In the course of the discourse the preacher repeatedly described the traditional image of the Lord as one who was dark complexioned, who wore a white mark on his forehead and rode on a white eagle. The preacher also explained that Lord Vishnu was always prepared to go to the rescue of those who sought shelter in him, and that he would accept as an offering anything that was given to him with full faith and love.
As the preacher repeatedly described these characteristics of the Lord, they made an indelible impression on the heart of that boy. The preacher also said that God is a great lover of music, and that he could be won by directing one's prayers to him in song, sung most reverently from the heart.
Well, this cowherd boy used to carry some food with him for his noontime lunch. Daily he would offer this food to God with all sincerity and devotion, praying to the Lord to partake of it. He began his prayers by singing this song, "O loving Lord, You ride on a white eagle, so I have been told. Come. Please come to me and accept this food." The boy went on praying like this to the Lord for one whole week continuously. He never touched his food because it was not shared by the Lord. By the end of the week he became extremely weak. Besides his weakened physical condition, he was also suffering from extreme anguish because he felt that he wasn't singing properly and therefore the Lord did not respond. He was sure that it was because of his own shortcomings in his songs that the Lord did not come to partake of his food. And so with great determination and devotion he continued to practice his singing, thinking that in the end he would surely win the grace of the Lord.
In his weakened condition he reached the forest. He was feeling extremely exhausted but he was determined not to eat unless his offering was accepted by the Lord. Now his prayerful song poured out of him in a most melodious and sacred way. The boy just kept on singing and singing all the time, imploring the Lord to come down and accept the food and drink that he was offering with so much yearning. When there was perfect harmony in the feeling, in the tune and in the content of the song, the Lord descended. How did he appear before that cowherd boy? He came as a boy of the same age, wearing the simple ochre cloth of a saddhu, a mendicant holy man.
The young cowherd asked the boy he saw standing before him, "Please, dear friend, may I know who you are? Are you a traveler passing through this forest?" The holy boy answered, "I am the Lord. I am Narayana. You prayed to see me and so I have come to give you a vision of myself." Remembering that the Lord liked the sweet sound of music, the cowherd boy continued his questioning in the form of a most melodious song, "But you don't conform to the description given of the Lord, who is dark complexioned, who wears a white mark on his forehead and who rides a white eagle. The preacher said that is how we can know the Lord. But it doesn't seem to be true. O, dear one, if you are really the blessed Lord, please resolve my doubt and let me see you in your true form."
The boy had heard a description of the Lord; now he wanted to see and experience him directly, exactly as he had heard him described and come to believe in him. But God doesn't have any specific name or form; he has a thousand eyes, a thousand ears, a thousand hands and a thousand feet. Yet in order to please and satisfy his devotees who are aspiring to see him, he takes on the particular form which has been earnestly prayed for. To satisfy this cowherd boy the Lord revealed himself by taking on the lustrous form of Vishnu, and accepted the food and drink so lovingly offered by the boy. This is the second stage when one yearns for the vision of the Lord. Even when that vision comes, it will still not be the true form of God but the one chosen through the prayers of the devotee. God loves sincere, heartfelt feelings, and therefore, in keeping with the feeling of his devotee, he will give his vision in the form which pleases the devotee most.
After the Lord left the boy thought to himself, "First I heard a description of him, and then I prayed for a vision of him. Now he has come down and I have seen him directly. But, how can I reach him and be ever with him?" By merely knowing that God exists, a devotee will not be satisfied. Nor does he get full satisfaction by just having a vision of the Lord. Having had the vision, he yearns to be fully merged with him. It is only then that the devotee will be in unending bliss. In the case of this boy, the Lord had given a vision of himself, and then disappeared. But from that moment on the boy kept the picture of the Lord as he had just seen him, in the form of Vishnu, continuously imprinted in his heart. With that lovely form in his mind's eye, he now began inquiring and thinking only of how he could reach him and merge with him. This is the third stage.
In the same way, by either listening to learned people or by reading and studying the scriptures you can get some idea of what God is like. But ultimately you will not be satisfied and happy with just this. It is still only a stage of dualism, for in this stage you and God remain separate. Therefore, you will make an attempt to go beyond the stage of dualism to the next step, which is qualified non-dualism. This refers to the deep aspiration to see and experience God directly. How can you get a vision of him? By picturing in your own heart the form of God you heard described, and then continuously thinking and contemplating on that form. Whatever you do, whatever you say, whatever you see and whatever you listen to, you have to become one with that sacred form.
The specific form of God you have pictured becomes a thought form in your mind. The thought form should then become saturated with the feeling of devotion so that it becomes a feeling form in your heart. Gradually, gradually, these feelings will deepen and strengthen until one day you will have a real vision of the Lord. So, first the Lord is heard of and thought of, then he is sought through intense feelings of devotion and yearning, and finally he reveals himself in form and can be directly experienced. In other words, the thought form turns into a feeling form, which then becomes transformed into real experience. That describes the second stage on the path. Not only do you get the personal vision of the Lord, whom you have aspired to see, but you also get the chance to converse with him face-to-face.
After seeing the Lord thus and talking to him directly, you gain a little more satisfaction. But if you are a true devotee, even this golden opportunity will not give you the full joy you long for. Now you want to reach God and merge with him. You think, "I have heard... I have seen... now I must reach him and be one with him." In the first stage, when through reading and hearing you come to know that God exists, you feel that God is separate and you are separate. This is the state of dualism (Dvaita). But in the second stage you see the Lord and get the feeling that you are part of him. This is the state of qualified non-dualism (Vishistadvaita). Finally you move on to the feeling, 'The Lord and I are one and the same'. This is the Advaita stage of complete non-dualism. Here you think, 'Either I must get merged with him or he must become one with me.' Then there is complete unity.
So long as there remains a separate river distant from the ocean, which is its source and its goal, then the river will retain a separate name and have an individual identity. But once the river merges into the ocean it gets the taste of the ocean, it gets the form of the ocean, and it takes on the name of the ocean. If you want to become one with the Lord, you have to acquire the feelings of the Lord, you have to acquire the form of the Lord and you have to acquire all the sacred characteristics of the Lord. Only then will you be one with him.
You have to feel that all the attributes of the Lord must manifest themselves in you. Affirm to yourself: "The broadmindedness of the Lord is within me. All the selfless feelings of the Lord are within me. The unbounded love of the Lord is within me." When you faithfully live this conviction then you eventually attain the realization that you and he are one. Then there is perfect unity.
You must continuously strive for this feeling of unity. You must make every effort to gain it. Then you will reach that fulfillment one day. This is the ultimate goal of human life. It is only when you reach that place, the place from which you have originally come, that true fulfillment will be yours.
Excerpts from "Discourses on Bhagavad Gita" by Bhagwan Sathya Sai Baba
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
In the past 3 days, I have seen humpteen number of threads on friendship in several blogs. I have a few close friends and I guess this is the right time to introduce a very special friend of mine who is like a brother to me. I am very close to him. He is very helpful. He is very religious. Comes with me to all the temples. Along with me, he has circumbulated the Arunachala Mountain 3 times. He loves the philosophy of Advaita. We have visited Puttaparthy and had dharshan of Bhagwan Sathya Sai Baba several times. He helps and participates in all the "homams" we have in our house.
So what is so special about him? There are many guys like him, you may ask :) - Check out my first comment to know why he is very special! Let me know your views on my special friend. Its very important to have people like him in this society!

Discovery has landed safely! Phew - the final hour was like watching the last 5 overs of a cricket match! Guys - you have done a fantastic job! This may be the last space shuttle flight! Lets wait and see..
His passion for the Internet has made him CEO of a web solutions and networking company at the age of 17. Suhas Gopinath today runs offices across 11 countries!
At a seminar on 'Education System in India' at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, last year, a boy dressed in casuals stepped out of his car and entered the gate. He is stopped by the security personnel: "This event is only for CEOs, you are a college boy.'' The boy smiled, picked up his
cellphone and soon a whole swarm of organisers arrived at the entrance to usher him in. But then we really can't blame the security. Even the wisest of men probably wont guess that the 17-year-old Suhas Gopinath can be the CEO and President of a Bangalore-based IT solutions company, Globals Inc. Suhas had actually been invited as one of the speakers at the seminar.
"Because of my age and looks, I often land in embarrassing situations and do not know how to handle the confusion, says a candid Suhas, who is currently juggling is corporate life with a BE in Information Science at the M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Information Technology. He owns a car, bought out of his earnings, but doesn't have a license to drive it around the city as he is too young to get a license! As a CEO, he wraps up mega deals, but cannot sign on the dotted line as legally he is not yet an adult. His is a story of a pastime turning into obsession. As a student at Air Force School in Mathikere, he frequented a cyber cafe near his home. "I was overwhelmed by the world of Internet. It became a passion. Though my parents were completely against it, I would spend hours before the computer. My elder brother Shreyas encouraged a lot. I learnt HTML, ASP and every possible software at the cyber cafe, recalls Gopinath.
On May 14, 2000, along with friends Clifford Leslie and Vinay M.N, he floated his own website www.coolhindustani.com. "I did not have the money to start. My parents refused to give my a penny, saying it was not worth it. So I wrote to Network Solutions Inc in the US and they readily agreed,'' he says.
Suhas, really had 'IT' in him. In August, the same year, he set up Globals Inc, a web solutions and networking company, with a team of four. Now, he has 350 employers, offices in 11 countries, and a turnover of $1 million this year.
"Initially we offered the services for free. As most of us were studying and were very young to actually run the company, many clients were not keen on us. But after seeing the work we delivered, they were impressed. Lot of them in fact still are very encouraging,'' he smiles. At the Bangalore, there are more than 15 full-time software engineers today. How does he deal with employees elder to him by many years? "Most of the people who work with me are between the age group of 17-19 yrs. I treat them as friends first, than act like a boss. So the job becomes much more easier, adds Gopinath. But it's a stressful life, he admits."As I got more interested in the company, my studies went for a toss. In my Class X exams I scored 80 per cent, but in PUC could barely get 65 per cent. Even here I try and not bunk too many classes, but clients cannot be given lame excuses. When I have exams, I tell them I am unwell.. he is candid. Success comes with a price and Suhas has understood the importance of it. "At times, I repent that I am not a normal boy, enjoying a teenager's carefree life. Most of the time I am forced to wear blazers and I am always nervous-about work or studies, he says.
While most others of his age are rolling balls down a bowling alley, he is charting the road map for his company. "We are planning to start management consultancy in the industry sector as well. There are plans to expand our services to non-IT areas by next year, explains Suhas. But ask him what's his message for to-be entrepreneurs and he's cautious." I don't think I am mature enough to advise others, but if you have it in you, go for it. One should also make time to enjoy other things in life. With work, you get too busy to even repent, he adds."
Monday, August 08, 2005
Naan PhD pannathuku - I need to do some justice to what I learnt - so decided to post some hi funda stuff - so please bare with me!!
Its been an eventful day today. I received a mail from Jeff Allen who is currently writing the manual for DTN2 asking me to help him with the manual! I need to do some documentation on the source code! This is going to be interesting stuff. I luv debugging with output streams!
I just received a mail from Adrian J. Hooke, Chairman, CCSDS Engineering Steering Group (CESG), NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Interplanetary Network Directorate,Pasadena, California, USA, asking about my research interests! What a day :)
I cherish storing mails from famous personalities. The most important is a mail from the President of India APJ Abdul Kalaam ( I wished him good luck when he became the President and he has sent a reply thanking a group of people including me!) and 3 mails from thalaivar A.R.Rahman ( I cried when I received the first mail from him) :)..
Atop one of the largest buildings downtown in Berkeley, researchers at Intel Research Berkeley are investigating a revolutionary way to get e-mail and Internet access delivered to remote villages in developing countries. It is unofficially being called the "Wi-Fi bus."
"In rural areas, particularly in areas that are not very rich, like India, how do you network a tiny village that is 1,000 kilometers from the nearest city?" said Hans Mulder, associate director of Intel Research, at a recent open-house held at the Berkeley lab. The answer lies in a technology called "delay tolerant networking," which allows for data requests, such as "send this e-mail" or "view this Web site," to be bundled and eventually delivered at a later time.
The system also would rely on Wi-Fi, which allows you to connect to the Internet without wires or cables. In the scenario, wireless access points are installed in each of the remote villages and on a bus. When the bus reaches the village, it picks up all the pending data requests. The bus then travels to the city, where there is an Internet connection in place, and delivers the requests and gathers replies that are then physically transported back to the villages." (Villagers) receive all of the e-mail that they've been asking for, even though there's never actually a live connection between the village and the city," said Mellisa Ho, an Intel intern working on the project at Intel Research Berkeley. The same holds true for Web sites. Villagers would type in the URL for a site, and unlike in modern cities, where the page comes up within seconds, the site might not load until a day later, or whenever the bus can make the trip to the city and back.
The project is one of many futuristic areas of research being explored at the Berkeley lab, which has been open for more than three years now on the 13th floor of the PowerBar building downtown.All the work performed here is "open-collaborative" between Intel Corp. and the University of California, Berkeley -- meaning all research flows freely between the two and usually ends up in the public domain. Intel owns the lab, but it is up to the university to decide whether to patent research -- and then give Intel a license for the technology.

The concept of "Interplanetary Internet" is my latest fascination and obsession! Its an interesting concept of networking the sky, with each orbiter, rover, space borne telescope, and any other skyward launched device as nodes! Sounds simple? Huh - unfortunately no!
According to Vinton G. Cerf (along with Robert Kahn, he was instrumental in designing the Internet protocol , whom I met 2 years ago when they visited UCL to inaugrate a week long series of seminars, to celebrate the 30 years of the Internet) wirelessly conversing with Mars-orbiting craft which is 200 million km away is an impossible challenge.
Infact NASA has successfully transferred a file between the Goddard Space Flight Center and the ill-fated Columbia which was soaring almost 600 km above Earth in February 2003 using the current Internet Protocols. This experiment was called "CANDOS" - Communication and Navigation Demonstration on Shuttle.
So why is it not possible in space? - The main factor is the transmission delay. It takes over a second for light to travel to the moon and it takes almost 15 minutes for the light from Mars to reach Earth!! That is a staggering 30 minute round trip time which is unsuitable for the current TCP implementations!! Another problem is the so called "handoff" problem since the nodes in space are not stationery and they are constantly moving. Thanks to the advent of Mobile IP, this problem can be fixed since Mobile IP allows the moving node in space to be in contact with one of the NASA's scattered ground stations.
Kevin Fall, who is a member of NASA's jet propulsion laboratory (JPL) and a researcher for Intel, came up with this concept of Delay Tolerant Networking (DTN). DTN allows data to travel across networks that have long delays and noisy connections. DTN introduces the concept of "bundling", a mechanism for space network's nodes to hold data if the next hop in the network is unavailable. This could be called as the store and forward network too. Thus a DTN router keeps a copy of every packet of data sent, until the next node in the path has sent a message saying that it has received it. For eg, if a relay satellite along an Interplanetary Internet slips behind the other side of a moon, a router on a DTN network would simply hold onto the data until that relay satellite reappeared, or until another node came into position to provide the necessary hop.
While the DTN protocol is hugely inefficient when compared to Earth's networking standards, it is a surefire way to get data to its destination which is thousands of miles away.
If this sounds interesting, why not check this out : http://www.ipnsig.org/techinfo.htm
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Off lately, I have been fascinated by this piece of software: "Google Earth". Google Earth is a piece of software that consists of satellite images, maps and the power of Google Search to put the world's geographic information at your fingertips. You can search for hotels, shops, bars and virtually anything in the Universe of Discourse, and the respective map and directions to your requested place will be displayed to you! Just check it out - its an out of the world experience!
Saturday, August 06, 2005
I got the biggest shock of my life today by seeing these pics (A perfect example of "Eppadi Iruntha Naan Ippadi Aiten!) :)

Thursday, August 04, 2005
Scene 1:
"Alagu oralavuku iruntha pothum - gunam thaan mukiyam Arjuna"
"Kalyanam nalla thaan nadanthathu - aana enna ponnu thaan avalava vadiva (alagaa) illai"
These were the contradictory statements usually made by my family members for the past few years. The first statement is said whenever I say - that I should marry a pretty girl! The second statement is said whenever they go to a marriage ceremony and see a not-so-pretty bride standing next to a handsome bridegroom! I guess these statements are usually made in many homes today.
Scene 2:
There are two girls in the interview. Both perform the same level in the interviews. Both have the same number of qualifications and ranks. Now, one looks absolutely beautiful. The other not! So whom would you choose as your ideal candidate?
If this question was asked to me - I would definitely say - the beautiful one! I guess the majority of the male population would!
So my questions are -
1) From Scene 2, is beauty really important to be successful in life? Is it an asset or a liability?
2) Why do people contradict themselves in Scene 1?
I would like to know your views on these.
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Colombo Skyscrapers!
This is the famous Nallur Kandaswamy temple in Jaffna
Sinhalese Army praying!
These posts are beautiful. I am eager to meet this guy!
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Have you heard the song "Akale Akale" - a malayalam song in the music album "Akale"? Have you heard the song "Kandu Kandu" from Mampazhakkalam ? Have you heard the songs "Chentharmizhi" and "Raakkilithan" from Perumazhakaalam?
If you answer "yes" to all the above questions - that means you must have heard the name M.Jayachandran, my favourite music director in Malayalam, who is associated with all the songs I have mentioned above.
Music director M.Jayachandran recently won a filmfare award for the best music director for Perumazhakaalam. Just listen to "Akale Akale" (http://www.musicindiaonline.com/p/x/orOutj4tndNvwrOupt7D/) and you will know why I have dedicated a seperate thread to this talented music director.
Unfortunately, many think that M. Jayachandran is the famous malayalam singer Jayachandran :), which is not true.
I am posting this in response to the thread by http://www.selectiveamnesia.org/2005/08/01/road-to-salvation/. Its just a counter argument :) - I am in no way trying to pull down Chidambaram - because my family is associated with the Chidambaram temple for the last 65 years. We have even built a Madam or Mutt there, but Tiruvanamalai holds a special place in my heart :).
In India there are countless holy places (kshetras) that are sacred toLord Siva or to some other name and form of God, and many of them are more well-known and popular than Arunachala. Yet there is a verse in the Arunachala Mahatmyam, which has been selected and translated into Tamil by Sri Bhagavan, that says:
"Arunachala is truly the holy place. Of all holy places it is the most sacred! Know that it is the heart of the world. It is truly Siva himself! It is his heart-abode, a secret kshetra. In that place the Lord ever abides the hill of light named Arunachala."
Whenever Sri Bhagavan Ramana Maharishi was asked about the special sanctity of Arunachala, he used to explain that other holy places such as Kailas, Kasi andChidambaram are sacred because they are the abodes of Lord Siva whereas Arunachala is Lord Siva himself.
However, as the above verse of Arunachala Mahatmyam says, Arunachala is a secret kshetra. Because it is this place that bestows jnana and because most people have so many other desires and do not truly want jnana, Arunachala has always remained comparatively little known. But to those few who seek jnana, Arunachala always makes itself known through some means or other.
The unique sanctity and power of Arunachala-kshetra was once confirmed by an incident that happened in the life of Sri Bhagavan. Because of his great love for Sri Bhagavan, a certain devotee wanted to take him to his native place, Chidambaram. But rather than directly asking Sri Bhagavan to come to Chidambaram, he began to ask him if he had ever been to see Lord Nataraja in Chidambaram Temple. When Sri Bhagavan replied that he had not, the devotee began to describe the greatness of Chidambaram, saying that it was the most sacred Siva-kshetra in South India, that so many saints and sages had lived there and had sung in praise of Lord Nataraja, and so on and so forth. Sri Bhagavan listened to all he said with patient interest, but showed no signs of wanting to visit Chidambaram. Seeing this, the devotee at last said, 'Chidambaram is even greater than Arunachala, because among the panchabuta lingams [thelingams representing the five elements] Chidambaram is the space-lingam while Arunachala is only the fire-lingam.(6) Since the four elements, earth, water, air and fire, finally have to merge in space, space is the principal element. 'Hearing this, Sri Bhagavan smiled and said, 'All the five elements come into existence only when Sakti seemingly forsakes her identify with Lord Siva, the Supreme Self (Paramatman). Since the five elements are thus only the creations of Sakti, she is superior to all of them. Therefore, more important than the place where the elements merge, is the place where Sakti herself merges. Because Sakti is dancing in Chidambaram, Lord Siva has to dance before her and there by make her become motionless. But in Arunachala Lord Siva remains ever motionless (achala), and hence Sakti automatically and effortlessly merges in him through great love. Therefore, Arunachala shines as the foremost and most powerful kshetra, because here Sakti, who has seemingly created all this manifold appearance, herself merges into the Lord. So for those mature aspirants who seek to put an end to the false appearance of duality, the most powerful help is to be found only in Arunachala-kshetra.
Subsequently, on 24th June 1928, Sri Bhagavan summarized this reply of his in the form of a verse, which later became the first verse of Sri Arunachala Navamanimalai. In this verse he says:
"Though he is truly motionless by nature, in the court [of Chidambaram] Lord Siva dances before Sakti, thereby making her motionless. But know that [in Tiruvannamalai] Lord Arunachala shines triumphant, that Sakti having merged in his motionless form."
Om Arunachaleshwaraya Namah
(தில்லையில் அருளியது- நாலடித் தரவு கொச்சகக் கலிப்பா)
I am providing the english translation from the book "Tiruvacagam or Sacred Utterances of the Tamil Poet, Saint and Sage Manikka-vacagar by Rev.G.U.Pope, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1900" to my favourite song in Ilayaraja's Tiruvasagam. You can order your CD from:
பூவேறு கோனும் புரந்தரனும் பொற்பமைந்த
நாவேறு செல்வியும் நாரணணும் நான் மறையும்
மாவேறு சோதியும் வானவருந் தாமறியாச்
சேவேறு சேவடிக்கே சென்றுதாய் கோத்தும்பீ. 215
"The King that crowns the flower; Purandaran;
the Lady blest, in beauty clothed,
That sits on learned tongues; and Naranan;
the fourfold mystic Vedic Scroll,
The Splendours, Riders in majesty; - with all
the heavenly ones too, know Him not -
Go to His roseate foot who mounts the Bull;
நானார் என் உள்ளமார் ஞானங்க ளார் என்னை யாரறிவார்
வானோர் பிரானென்னை ஆண்டிலனேல் மதிமயங்கி
ஊனா ருடைதலையில் உண்பலிதேர் அம்பலவன்
தேனார் கமலமே சென்றூதாய் கோத்தும்பீ. 216
"Who am I? - Wisdom's lessons what are they
that fill my mind? - and me who'd know
Had not the Lord of heaven made me His own?
He of the temple court, Who erst
A mendicant with mind distraught asked food,
in broken skull with flesh impure !
Haste to Him lotus-foot, as honey sweet;
தினைத்தனை உள்ளதோர் பூவினில் தேன்உண்ணாதே
நினைத்தொறும் காண்தொறும் பேசுந்தொறும் எப்போதும்
அனைத்தெலும் புள்நெக ஆனந்தத் தேன் சொரியும்
குனிப்புடையானுக்கே சென்றூதாய் கோத்தும்பீ. 217
"Honey from any flower sip not, though small
as tiniest grain of millest seed !
Whenever we think of Him, whenever we see,
whenever of Him our lips converse,
Then sweetest rapture's honey ever flows,
till all our frame in bliss dissolves !
To Him alone, the mystic Dancer, go;
கண்ணப்பன் ஒப்பதோர் அன்பின்மை கண்டபின்
என்னப்பன் என்னொப்பில் என்னையும் ஆட்கொண்டருளி
வண்ணப் பணித்தென்னை வாவென்ற வான் கருணைச்
கண்ணப்பென் நீற்றற்கே சென்றூதாய் கோத்தும்பீ. 218
"There was no love in me like Kannappan's;
when He, my Sire, saw this, me poor
Beyond compare, in grace He made His own;
He spake, and made me come to Him.
With heavenly grace adorned He shines, and wears
white ashes, and the golden dust !
To Him, - of mercy infinite, - go thou,
வைத்த நிதிபெண்டிர் மக்கள்குலங் கல்வியென்னும்
பித்த உலகிற் பிறப்போ டிறப்பென்னுஞ்
சித்த விகாரக் கலக்கம் தெளிவித்த
வித்தகத் தேவற்கே சென்றூதாய் கோத்தும்பீ. 220
"In this mad world, amid stress and strife confused,
from birth and death, that ceaseless spring, -
Where hoarded treasure, women, offspring, tribe,
and learning's store, men prize and seek; -
He calms the storm of mental changing states,
and clears from error's mists the soul.
To mystic wisdom's mighty God go thou,
நாயேனைத் தன்னடிகள் பாடுவித்த நாயகனைப்
பேயேன துள்ளப் பிழைபொறுக்கும் பெருமையனைச்
சீயேதும் இல்லாதென் செய்பணிகள் கொண்டருளந்
தாயான ஈசற்கே சென்றூதாய் கோத்தும்பீ. 226
"The loving Lord, Who taught, wretch as I am,
my lip to sing. His jewelled Feet;
The Teacher great, Who pardoned all the faults
of me, a very fiend in sooth;
He still in grace accepts my services,
nor spurns my worthlessness !
To I can go, as tender mother known,
நானும்என் சிந்தையும் நாயகனுக் கெவ்விடத்தோம்
தானுந்தன் தையலுந் தாழ்சடையோன் ஆண்டிலனேல்
வானுந் திசைகளும் மாகடலும் ஆயபிரான்
தேனுந்து சேவடிக்கே சென்றூதாய் கோத்தும்பீ. 229
"How far away had I and all my thought
from Him the loving Lord remained,
Had not the Wearer of the flowing lock,-
He with the Lady - made me His !
The Lord, Who is the heaven, Who is each realm
of earth and of the mighty sea !
Go to the roseate Feet that sweets distil
உள்ளப் படாத திருஉருவை உள்ளுதலும்
கள்ளப் படாத களிவந்த வான்கருணை
வெள்ளப் பிரான்என் பிரான்என்னை வேறேஆட்
கொள்ளப் பிரானுக்கே சென்றூதாய் கோத்தும்பீ. 230
"Soon as I thought upon His sacred form
which every thought of man transcends,
The Lord of mercy's flood of purest joys,
that never delude, swept over my soul.
My Lord revealed Himself that He might make
me ever fully His alone.
To Him, the Lord of Lords Supreme, go thou,
Monday, August 01, 2005
A.R.Rahman's current tamil project that I am looking forward to with lot of expectations is Surya's "Jilendra Oru Kadhal". The film is directed by debutant Krishna who incidentally was supposed to direct the film "Engineer" starring Arvind Swamy and Madhuri Dixit. The project was unfortunately abandoned. Krishna was an assistant director to Shankar. ARR himself declared that he has finished composing for one song and that song will be this year's National Anthem among the youth :). Wow - waiting to hear the masterpiece by the master composer!

Swami Dayananda Saraswati, a renowned Saint from India will be coming to London coming October 2005 to give a series of discourses about the Eternal Truth of the Divine. At this point of time, where there is heightened tension between various communities spanning different religions, this is a great opportunity to illuminate the people about the real principle of the Divine.
We require several programme committee members and volunteers who could help us in organizing this event in London. If you are interested in participating and help us in organizing this event, please leave a comment here. Moreover, all fellow UK bloggers are welcomed to post this article in your blogs.
Swami Dayananda Saraswati was born in Tamil Nadu. He became a swami as a young man and was the assistant to Swami Chinmayananda when he took the initiative to establish Vishwa Hindu Parishad.
In 1986, Swami Dayananda Saraswati founded the Arsha Vidya Gurukulam, a Gurukula that has branches in India and the United States. Arsha Vidya Gurukulam is an institute for the traditional study of Advaita Vedanta, Yoga, Ayurveda, Jyotish, Sanskrit and other classical Hindu studies. The word Arsha means that which is from the Rishis - the great seers of ancient India. The word Vidya means knowledge. Thus, Arsha Vidya means the knowledge flowing from the Rishis. The word Gurukulam, means "family of the teacher", referring to a residential center for learning with the Teacher.
Arsha Vidya Gurukulam offers Indians and non-Indians, Hindus and non-Hindus alike an opportunity to study the profound spiritual knowledge of the Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Brahma-sutras, and other classical Vedanta texts.
Swami Dayananda is currently the most revered teacher of Advaita Vedanta in the world. He also founded AIM for Seva for social work in India.