I am just listening to "Jaadu Hey Nasha Hai" from Jism in repeat mode..What a voice!! Her voice is so heavenly and yes, she is pretty :) . She is definitely the voice of the 21st century. I have been a fan of her from her first film Devadas. She also got her first National award for the the best female playback singer for her first film.
Who Am I
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Friday, July 29, 2005

New Madurai Foundation is a non-profit organization formed for bringing together good hearts and well-wishers from all over the world online for the improvement of Madurai and its people in various dimensions and in all possible ways. Please visit the following link and leave your suggestions for improving the city of Madurai, known for its majestic Meenakshi Amman Temple.
Courtesy: Santhana Tamil Selvan, Kansas City, USA

Tata McGraw Hill is currently printing the third edition of the immensely popular book entitled "Embedded Real Time Systems Programming". So why am I happy? Because the author of this book is my best friend Sriram V Iyer :)
Thursday, July 28, 2005
"Several noble souls have taken birth in Bharat, followed the great culture of this country, and set examples to others. Sri Sankaracharya is one such great personality who spread the culture of Bharat throughout the length and breadth of the country and earned eternal fame. Adi Sankara taught the philosophy of advaita (monism). Three centuries after him came Sri Ramanujacharya, who advocated the visishtadvaita (qualified monism) system of philosophy, which emphasised bhakti (devotion) and prapatthi (surrender) to God. Two centuries after Sri Ramanujacharya, Sri Madhwacharya arrived on the scene and propagated the dvaita (dualism) system of philosophy emphasising the devotional path to the people vacillating between several systems of philosophy. However, the fundamental principle underlying all the three schools of philosophy is one and the same, that is, Atma Tattwa (Atmic principle). The advaita (non-dualistic) philosophy of Sri Sankaracharya advocates the oneness of jiva (individual soul) and Brahman (cosmic soul). The visishtadvaita philosophy of Sri Ramanujacharya presupposes that jiva and Brahman are different. Sri Madhwacharya explained that there are, in fact, three concepts, namely, dehatma bhava (body consciousness), jivatma bhava (individualised form of God) and Paramatma Bhava (the universalised soul or the Supreme self). Nobody need hold on to a particular school of thought or deride the others. The question of adhering to a particular school of philosophy depends upon the mental frame work of the individual. Sri Sankaracharya emphasised that though the cloth is of different varieties, the thread underlying the cloth is one and the same. "The cloth is made of a number of threads woven together," explained Sri Ramanujacharya. One has to recognise the underlying principle behind the three schools of philosophy,namely, the advaita, the visishtadvaita, and the dvaita.
Brahman alone is the eternal, changeless principle. That is why Sri Sankaracharya has declared, Brahma sathyam jagat mithya (Brahman alone is real, the world is illusory). All the three great acharyas,namely, Sri Sankaracharya, Sri Ramanujacharya, and Sri Madhwacharya,propagated the same principle, that is, Atma Tattwa."
Excerpts from "Who are you? I am I" - Divine Discourse by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, 20 October 2004.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
"There are 51 bheeja (seed) mantras - Like kreem, sleem, oum, nam, lam,sreeem, hreem etc. These mantras are very powerful. But these are not for common people. They should be used very carefully. They multiply potencies of matras by many thousand folds. I have personally experiened the effect of bhija mantras. And hence I can vouch for their potencies. But for common people to tell the Bhija mantras, Saint Sri Arunagirinathar created Kandhar Anubhuti. Each stanza is equal to one Bhija Mantra in palatable form. So, by chanting Kandhar Anubhuti, you actually chant all the 51 Bhija mantras at one go! Bhuthi is a word equal to 'Yoga' - To Unite; AnuBhuti - To constantly unite; Kandhar - Sri Subrahmanya. So, Kandhar Anubhuti is to get into constant union with Sri Subrahmanya, the greatest Lord of the Universe." - These were the words of my best friend Sriram.
So I decided to give a try reading the verses and I was spellbounded by its beauty and splendour. Verse 3 is my most favourite verse . The verse is as follows:
Verse 3:
Vaano Punal Paar Kanal Maarudhamo
Jnaanodhayamo Navilnaan Maraiyo
Yaano Manamo Yenaiyaanda Yidam
Thaano Porulaavadhu Shanmugane
Is it Ether, Water, Earth, Fire or Air?
Is it sense-knowledge, or the uttered four Vedas?
Is it the 'I' principle, the mind, or the place where 'I' was accepted,
O Shanmukha! What is Reality?
"O Lord Shanmukha! What is it that can be called the Eternal Verity? Is it the Ether, Water, Earth, Fire or Air? Or is it the state in which the sensory knowledge arises? Or is it the Four Vedas that are uttered by the mouth? Or is it the 'I' principle? Or the 'mind'? Or is it the place where You accepted me?
Points to Note:
This is a stunning thought provoking verse..I had tears rolling from my eyes when I read this ( for a highly materialistic person likeme :) )..and was wondering how St. Arunagirinathar would have felt when he composed this verse..Constant contemplation of this verse gives you immense bliss..Ok now lets get on to the main focus of this verse..
St Arunagirinathar asks a question that needs to be asked by all Human Beings!! - What is Reality? What is the Real Truth? Then he asks these questions?
Are the pancha bhoothas (Ether, Water, Earth, Fire or Air), the realTruth?
Or is it the knowledge or sense perception we obtain from this material world, the real truth?
Or is it the Four Vedas (Rig,Yajur,Sama, Atharva) that the Guru teaches to the Disciple?
Or is it the Ego or the "I" principle that asserts itself ineverything and everywhere?
Or is it the Mind that acts on the report of the senses?
The answer for all these questions is a big "NO" :).. as they are all subjected to changes.. Then what is the real truth then? Then he finally asks : What is the Reality then? Is it the place where "I" have been accepted?
Wow - stunning..now this is the most important thing in this verse..The word "I" here means the Ego..So he says that when the "I" principle accepts its defeat, Reality is revealed!! The ego fails in its attempt to know what Reality is. Where the ego ceases, there the Reality reveals itself. The ego is active in search for Reality in the material world, in sense knowledge, in the mental functions and in intellectual understanding. But when it recedes into the inner most recesses of your heart, it melts away - and there you realise the Eternal Verity..
This verse is in-line with the Mahanarayanopanishad, where it is given:"In the centre of the body is the sinless lotus of the heart, which is the Abode of the Supreme Being. Further within that, is the Sorrowless Ether or Reality".
Similarly Ramana Maharishi asks: 'Who am I?' The physical body, composed of the seven dhatus, is not 'I'. The five sense organs… and the five types of perception known through the senses… are not 'I'. The five parts of the body which act… and their functions… are not 'I'. The five vital airs such as prana, which perform the five vital functions such as respiration, are not 'I'. Even the mind that thinks is not 'I'. In the state of deep sleep vishaya vasanas remain. Devoid of sensory knowledge and activity, even this [state] is not 'I'. After negating all of the above as 'not I, not I', the knowledge that alone remains is itself 'I'. The nature of knowledge is sat-chit-ananda [being-consciousness-bliss]. Beautiful , Isnt it ? :)
Bhagwan Sathya Sai Baba quotes:" Lord Krishna declared, Deho Devalaya Prokto Jeevo Deva Sanathana (body is the temple and the indweller is God Himself). Therefore, treat every human body as a temple and the indweller as God. Every individual is an aspect of Divinity. "
This is the Real Truth :)..Oops that means I shouldnt criticize anybody :( - But I am not St. Arunagrinathar either :).
I am trying to find my lost friends who studied with me in Sherwood Hall School, Chennai. I joined Sherwood in 1985 (2 nd std) and I was there till 10th std in 1994 and some of my classmates were Hari, Naveen, Sashidhar, Madhukar Apparao, Rajkumar, Sarfraz Zubeir, Ashwin, Hadi Ali, Avinash Chari, Vanitha Chandran, Rose Dawson, Nancy Kao, Navneeta Dev etc.
If anyone has any info about them, please let me know by leaving your comments.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
The first website Tim Berners-Lee built (and therefore the first web site) was at http://info.cern.ch/ and was first put online on August 6, 1991. It provided an explanation about what the World Wide Web was, how one could own a browser, how to set up a web server, and so on. It was also the world's first web directory, since Berners-Lee later maintained a list of other web sites apart from his own.
Devadhayae, un alagai paathu chandiran megathitkul marainthathu,
Athan avamanam, kaneer thuligalaka im-mannil vilunthana,
Nee piranthathu, ennai kolvatharkakava?
Indrai ennai theeyal kondru vidu -
Un kaadhal thee ennai thinnamumkoluthadi!!
Thee Kayangaludan - Arjuna :(
"The pantheistic doctrine of the Gita is that God is everything. Its verses celebrate the discovery of the Absolute, Spirit beyond creation, as being also the hidden essence of all manifestation. Nature, with her infinite variety and inexorable laws, is an evolute of the Singular Reality through a cosmic delusion: maya, the "Magical Measurer" that makes the One appear as many embracing their own individuality - forms and intelligences existing in apparent separation from their Creator. Just as a dreamer differentiates his one consciouseness into many dream beings in a dream world, so God, the Cosmic Dreamer, has separated His consciousness into all the cosmic manifestations, with souls individualized from His own One Being endowed with the egoity to dream their personalized existences within the Nature-ordained drama of the Universal Dream"
Excerpts from "God Talks with Arjuna - The Immortal Dialogue Between Soul and Spirit" by Sri Paramahansa Yogananda.

I have become a regular at the Aldwych Subway branch which is opposite to the Indian High Commission which again is opposite to my university. I usually have a 6 inch veggie patty or sweet onion chicken teriyaki. I always preferred the Italian Cheese and Herbs bread. It has a great taste. The best sauces according to me are: sweet onion, chilly and mustard. I usually go for all the salads except cucumber, olives and jalapenos. I am a sweet corn fan and always make sure that I get loads of it. Since I am a student, I get 10% discount, that means my sandwich is priced at £2.70, which is quite good.
I read from Chinmayi's choice at www.chennaionline.com that Subway has opened up in Spencers in Chennai. I would prefer to go to Vasantha Bhavan and get my hands on Tandoori food rather than eating these sandwiches :) - VB rocks!
After a week's hectic work, some people go to the theatre, some watch a movie and munch popcorn, some listen to music or read books, while still others prefer the television...
But for B Rajesh and his wife Rajani, relaxation is of a different kind altogether. After taking care of the demands of Rajesh's small factory, the Chennai-based couple, along with their daughter and some close friends, drive down to a remote village where they stay for a week. Their mission: to clean and renovate temples that have fallen prey to neglect and the passage of time.
Rajesh is an MTech from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, and owns a small factory with a turnover of Rs 3 million. Rajani works at the government-run television channel Doordarshan.
The couple was first inspired by the words of Adi Sankara, that once upon a time temples were the focal point of village life and that all social activities in a village revolved around the temple. The second inspiration occurred 15 years ago when they came to know about a dilapidated Vishnu temple in Thirumazhisai near Poonamallee from a friend.
"I still remember how the Vishnu temple looked when I first reached the place," says Rajesh. "We could hardly call it a temple. The face of Lord Vishnu was not visible at all. There were cobwebs everywhere and the whole place looked so dirty! We got all the more inspired to start work, and it went on for several weeks."
Rajesh and Rajani cleaned out and renovated the temple. When the shankaracharya of Kanchi heard about the couple's work at Thirumazhisai, he summoned Rajesh to Kancheepuram and asked him not to stop the exceptional work that he had just begun. He also asked the couple to pay a visit to one Shiva temple at Achirupakkam, in Kancheepuram district. The shankaracharya had found the temple to be in a very bad shape, with bats infesting the interiors and few devotees visiting it. "Can you do something there? Can you make the villagers visit the temple?" he asked Rajesh.
This became their second assignment.
Rajesh first visited each and every house in the village and requested the villagers to come to the temple, but no one was willing to do so. So he, Rajani, and a few friends started cleaning the premises on their own. Soon, the embarrassed villagers joined the couple and their friends. Once the temple became visit-worthy, they organised prayers for the welfare of the villagers.
Within a month, the number of people coming to the temple went up to around 500. "I didn't have to personally do all the renovation work there," he says. "I just kindled the interest in them, and that was enough for the villagers themselves to clean up the place. They understood that after all it was their own temple."
News of the temple-renovating couple began to spread and they soon started received calls from various villages requesting them to rebuild several dilapidated temples.
Thus began their new journey. One temple after another was cleaned and renovated as the years flew by. Now, after 15 years of relentless work, they have renovated 50 temples in and around Kancheepuram district, a few kilometres south of Chennai!
Rajesh and Rajani's modus operandi is this: Every weekend, accompanied by a few friends and relatives, with bagsful of fruit and flowers, they drive to the village where their efforts are needed. Without waiting for the villagers to join them, without even calling them, they start cleaning the temples. This act generally prompts the villagers to join them. Sometimes they carry food prepared at home to the temple site; at other times they carry the necessary provisions and, with the help of the villagers, cook lunch in the village. But they always make sure that the villagers join them in partaking of the lunch. After a day's work, they prepare prasadam and distribute it to all the villagers.
"Free food also attracts the poor villagers and they join us in the renovation work that way," says Rajesh. "After a few visits, we become friends. We start carrying the provisions needed for a feast and the villagers join us in preparing the meals. We sit together and eat the food. My driver Antony is a big help in the effort."
One of the most exciting experiences the couple has had was at Kovalam, a place near Chennai. When they came to know that a place filled with waste and plastic bags was once a temple tank, they decided to reclaim it.
"Funds are never a problem for us, we get money from somewhere," says Rajesh. "In this case, somebody gave a bulldozer free, somebody gave two lorries free, someone gave diesel free... all for a good cause. Within five days, we dug up the whole place and collected two lorries full of plastic waste. After that, we invited the district collector to inaugurate the tank. After the inauguration, he promised to construct a compound wall.
"It is a service and not only the local people but even the government is involved in such constructive projects. Once the tank reappeared, the villagers started getting good water! We also renovated the temple in the process. Believe it or not, Kovalam is a Muslim-dominated area and a Muslim gentleman donated Rs 1,000 to the temple!"
Another unforgettable incident occurred at Nemam where they came across a temple that was locked for 25 years. When they first reached the place, they couldn't even locate the temple; the tall grass around hid it. When they asked the villagers to help them clean the place, the villagers retorted: 'How much money will you give us?' Rajesh told them, 'I have come here to clean your temple. You have to pay me for that! This is your temple and it is this deity that will bring you health and wealth. Since you are not cleaning it, I will do it for you.' His answer silenced them.
Soon, one by one, the villagers joined them in cleaning the surroundings. "As we moved forward, cutting the bushes, we saw the temple, and also knee-deep dust inside. The temple was built in such a way that only on the 1st of Chithirai [the Tamil New Year Day, which coincides with April 14], sunlight would fall on the deity. So the whole area was very dark and we could not see anything. Then somebody lit a matchstick and suddenly we saw a Siva lingam three feet tall!"
This is not an isolated story, Rajesh says.
Once the locals are motivated enough to take care of the temple and other community activities, they help the villagers form a village committee. Slowly, the couple moves to another village, another temple, and another challenge.
Encouraged by Rajesh and Rajani's effort, a few voluntary organisations have also chipped in. For example, the Sankara Netralaya, one of the most famous eye hospitals in Chennai, arranges free eye camps for the poor and old villagers when such temple-cleaning operations are on. When the doctors visit the villages, the villagers invite the doctors to eat food with them.
Not that the couple never faced difficulties. They had to encounter resistance and protests in some places where the villagers suspected their motives. Why do these city people come here? Is it to grab our land? Once, when Rajesh opened a temple that was locked for 50 years, he received a lawyer's notice for doing so. But no hurdle has deterred the couple or dampened its spirit.
Both Rajesh and Rajani believe that religious places are very important for the development of a village. "We are willing to clean and renovate other religious places too. The good thing is, when we start cleaning old temples, people belonging to other religions also start cleaning their places."
Money and help have never been a problem for them. People from unexpected quarters come forward and offer them money and manpower. "All the profit that I make from my small factory goes to this work," says Rajesh. "I am only a catalyst. I have to only start and afterwards the villagers themselves continue the work. And we do it because we get pleasure out of the work."
Its been almost a year since I fell in love with Asin, a name that I had never heard before. I was listening to Gharshana, and out of the moon came "Ye Chilipi" sung mellifluously by Srinivas. It made such an impact on me ( I have this tendancy to visualize songs), that I went to idlebrain.com to check out the star cast for the remake of Kakka Kakka. This was the photo that immediately caught my attention, and I fell in love with her! Asin was my 11th love in the span of 15 years :). Being quite an obsessive lover - I watched her first film "Amma Nana Oka Tamil Ammayi" 7 times, "Shivamani" 5 times, "Gharshana" 9 times, "Lakshmi Narasimha" 3 times and "M.Kumaran S/O Mahalakshmi" 19 times!!! I even went to the extent of starting an egroup called "goddessasin" and I guess I posted almost 200 messages!! I have even chatted to her!
I told her this - "Asin is like a knife, who has cut through my life, my heart is bleeding and I am not kidding" and she replied "ho you poor thing, you require first aid!" ;)
I have come out of my Asin mania - but still consider her to be the most beautiful actress in the history of tamil filmdom along with Nadia.
1) "Perunthalaivar" Kamarajar
Kamarajar was known as a kingmaker in Indian politics. He was instrumental in bringing to power two Prime ministers , Lal Bhadur Shasthri in 1964 and Indira Gandhi in 1966. He was born to Kumarasamy and Sivakami Ammal at Virudhunagar in Tamil Nadu. His was from a poor family and retained a spartan life style and bachelorhood throughout his lifetime. Despite dropping out of school in the seventh grade he rose to political prominence joining the struggle for Indian independence at the age of sixteen.
Kamarajar became Chief Minister of Madras Presidency in 1954. As Chief Minister, he initiated massive reforms in the educational and the social sectors of the state. He introduced the Mid-day meal scheme in Tamil Nadu, which was later popularised by MGR and this scheme is being considered by the Government of India to be introduced in all public schools in the country. It was his government, which built most of the existing dams in Tamil Nadu.
He is known for his honesty, intergrity and simplicity. He denied any special treatments extended to him or his mother just because he was the chief minister. It is also said that he lived in a rented house and had a possession of only 120 rupees and 6 dhothis when he died, a hard gesture from a Chief Minister in Indian history.
2) "Puratchi Thalaivar" M. G. Ramachandran
The height of emotional response that 'MGR' could evoke was evident when in 1987 during a critical illness, 22 people committed suicide in the hope their deaths would save him! Stories of poor people selling their blood in order to get money to see his films on first release are legendary!
Born Marudur Gopalamenon Ramachandran in Kandy, Sri Lanka, his family moved to Tamil Nadu where they lived in poverty. When he was 6, he joined a theatre group - the Madurai Original Boys. Here he picked up acting, dancing and swordplay. MGR made his screen debut in Ellis R. Duncan's Sati Leelavathi (1936) but his first major breakthrough came much, much later with Rajakumari (1947).
MGR's 1950s screen persona in adventure films constructed an image of political as well as physical invincibility. Often the themes of his films were derived from heroic ballads which are part of the oral tradition of rural Tamil Nadu. For example - Madurai Veeran (1956), one of his most popular films, is based on the legend of Madurai Veeran, a popular deity of Southern Tamil Nadu. His legend has been the subject of various ballads and plays and this was the second filmed version of the story.
In the 1960s MGR turned to more 'realistic' fantasies mostly in a contemporary setting often playing someone from the oppressed class - a peasant, taxi driver or fisherman. For millions of fans, his image as the knight in shining armour, saving damsels in distress and being totally dutiful towards his mother was in fact a reality. Mother tongue, motherland and motherhood were what he based his popularity on. To quote M.S.S. Pandian in The Image Trap: M.G. Ramachandran in Film and Politics...
"The social universe of the MGR is a universe of asymmetrical power.......The conflict between the upper caste/ class oppressors and MGR as a subaltern, and its resolution forms the core of the film. MGR, in the course of the conflict, appropriates several signs or symbols of authority or power from those who dominate."
MGR used food, colour patterns (black and red, symbols of the DMK) and masquerades (often through double roles of oppressor and oppressed) to construct this universe. In Engal Thangam (1970) for example, MGR playing a truck driver Thangam, fights, sings, cares for the poor and preaches against smoking and drinking. The DMK colours - black and red are frequently featured in the clothes he wears. He even appears as himself in the opening scene at a Small Savings Function. Thangam is in the audience and even refers to him as 'vathiyar' (teacher), the reverent title by which he was known to his fans!
MGR had joined the DMK party in 1953 and remained its member till 1972. This included a brief stint in the Madras Legislative Council from 1962 - 64, being a member of the Legislative Assembly (1967) when the party won the state elections and the DMK Treasurer (1970).
He fell out with the DMK chief Karunanidhi and used the DMK's propaganda idiom against the DMK itself in Nam Naadu (1969). In 1972 he set up the rival Anna - DMK party claiming allegiance to the DMK's founder, the late Annadurai.
In 1977, his party renamed the AIADMK won the state elections in alliance with Indira Gandhi's Congress party. MGR became Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu and was re-elected for three consecutive terms. As Chief Minister, he organized a totalitarian crackdown on all political dissent while introducing populist schemes such as the Chief Minister's Nutritious Meal Programme.
Having survived a bullet wound when he was shot at by fellow actor M.R. Radha in 1967 (which affected his speech), he achieved demi-god status following a paralytic stroke in 1984 which he survived for three years. When he died in 1987, his funeral procession was attended by over 2 million people!
3) "Arignar" Anna
Conjeevaram Natarajan Annadurai, often referred to as Arignar Anna, was the 16th Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu. Born in Kancheepuram in a middle class family, he studied at Pachiyappa's high school and Pachiyappa's college, Chennai. His mother tongue was Tamil. He was an ardent champion of the cause of Tamil. He became a follower of Periyar (whom I never liked ;) ) and joined the Justice Party. In 1949, he left Periyar and started a new party, Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK). Anna a gifted orator and a writer par excellence was able to sway the Tamil masses with his logical arguements for social equality, violence free society, universal affinity. In his famous convocation address at Annamalai University he claimed to work towards establishment of a society where life lengthens, fear dies, joy deepens and man regains his dignity. He scripted many Tamil films and used art forms to educate Tamil people against castism. In 1957, he became the Leader of the opposition in the State Assembly. In 1967, he became the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu by wrongly portraying Karmaveerar Kamaraj. For that Tamilnadu is cursed and yet to recover from that. For centuries Tamil Nadu was called as Chera Chozha and Pandya Nadu. Tamils for long had been demanding the renaming of Madras State as Tamil Nadu. Anna accomplished that historical task.He conducted the World Tamil Conference. His short rule was brought to an end when he died of throat cancer in 1969. Millions mourned his death and it created a world record when a sea of humanity surged to pay respects to the noble human of Tamil soil.
Monday, July 25, 2005

"Ocean of Nectar, Full of Grace,
Engulfing the universe in Thy Splendor!
O Arunachala, the Supreme Itself!
Be Thou the Sun and open the lotus of my heart in Bliss."
Hymn to Arunachala, From: Five Stanzas to Arunachala
I am currently listening to "Uyire En Uyire" from Thotti Jaya by Harris Jeyaraj in a repeat mode. This song is beautiful. A real competitor to thalaivar ARR's "Mayiliragai" from A Ah. The song has HJ's stamp all over it especially when Bombay Jayashree starts singing. This song is the best song HJ has composed after his "Ye Chilipi" from Gharshana one year back. Karthik is at his magnificient best. He is the modern era SPB. Thanks ARR for giving us such a magnificient singer. Anuradha Sriram and Bombay Jayashree have also sung their parts beautifully. How nice it would be if the song was picturised on my Asin! She is so beautiful! I will be writing about her in my forthcoming threads.
Anniyan can you hear me? Looks like someone is waiting for you!!
An ardent fan of Tamil film hero Rajnikanth has viewed his idol's movie 'Chandramukhi' daily once for the last 100 days, believed to be a record by the film industry in Tamil Nadu.
The 22 year old vegetable vendor, Muthu, had viewed the film on the first day of its release and completed 100 days of viewing on Friday last, as the film also celebrated 100 days of screening in a city theatre here.
According to sources in the Kumaran theatre here, where the film is being screened, Muthu was viewing 'Chandramukhi' since its release for the first 50 days spending money from his pocket.
But when the theatre management came to know about this, they allowed Muthu to watch the movie free of cost to set a record, they said.
Muthu, who was upset over the failure of Rajnikanth's earlier movie 'Baba,' had vowed for the success of this film, they said.
Muthu, who has the satisfaction in achieving this record and success of the film, was given a memento by the theatre management as a token of appreciation for viewing the film continuously for 100 days.
How true!! A.R.Rahman did what other music directors didnt even bother to do. He visited the tsunami struck area of Karaikkal and performed a music programme for the fishermen and their families. He bought immense joy to the people. This shows his good will. But what is the society saying about this. They say, that ARR had some intentions to do this. They think ARR "could" get some money out of this programme, since there were 8 cameras that were shooting the programme and this clearly shows that some TV may telecast the programme! What nonsense!
For pete's sake, ARR gets crores of rupees for composing for a film. He has loads of money and more than that he has more fame than all the other music directors in India combined!
I just want to say to the society one thing. If you keep on wagging your tongues unnecessarily, your society and eventually your country is never going to improve. Good people will never come out to cleanse or help the society. So there is no point lamenting that these politicians are corrupt and they are the cause of all the bad things happening in India or other countries. Its high time we change!!
Sunday, July 24, 2005
"Met Police chief Sir Ian Blair has apologised to the family of the Brazilian man shot dead by police in south London on Friday. He said the death of Jean Charles de Menezes was a "tragedy", but admitted more people could be shot as police hunt suspected suicide bombers. " - BBC news.
So finally, encounter killing has started in London. Our bunch of Suryas have killed a suspected suicide bomber in Stockwell station. But it has proved to be a mistake. A gruesome mistake. But, I stand by the police, as there is no other way to prevent these morons (terrorists) from killing the innocent people. London is quiet scary nowdays. I was bit apprehensive getting onto the tube. But then realized - if you are bound to die, you would die even if you sit inside the house - the ceiling may fall on you :).
Is there any way to eradicate terrorism? I am trying to think of ways. The entire fault lies here in the West unfortunately. They should have minded their own business and not poked their noses in other's business. How do we reverse the process now? I have no clue!

My previous post maybe quite outrageous to some - but sadly that was the fact. I do appreciate good music from all music directors, but when some music directors give mediocre music and act as if they have ruled the world - this is what they get - An Egg on their face!!
So what is good music - you may ask? This shows you havent heard A Ah by A.R.Rahman yet!! Initially I didnt have any expectations as this movie was directed by S.J.Surya who concentrates more on exploring the anatomy of his heroines rather than the story. His last and probably the only good film was Valli, which had some great songs by Deva. Kushi had some good songs too, but the film was total bullshit!! ARR's output in SJS's next film did not satisfy my appetite. As a hardcore ARR fanatic, I was just happy that the album made good sales ( which usually happens to any ARR albums ). When SJS announced his next movie B.F christened to A Ah, I was bit apprehensive. The audio of the film was all set to release in the midst of all sort of stories saying that ARR has lost his foothold in Tamil Filmdom, ARR is only capable of composing for period films etc..
The audio was released on the 20 th June and what came next is HISTORY!! The King bounced back with the power of million tsunamis - immersing every fan of 'good' music in waves of emotional ecstasy!!
I am not a good reviewer as the others in the Internet and this is the first time in my life - I am ever reviewing an album properly (HJ's Thotti Jaya was not an review - because it didnt have anything to be reviewed except 2 songs - so I cant call that an album) ! So let me start my novice work by reviewing the album A Ah.
The first song "Ararai Kodi" sung by Thalaivar itself is a pot boiler!! This is what modern era music is all about!! For me the lyrics clearly depict what ARR feels for his own tamil people..It just gives me goosebumps when I listen to this song..It would be good if this song was an intro song for Rajni (with SPB singing), Vikram, Vijay or Ajith!! This song is already rocking the charts and is currently the National Anthem to many!!
The second song "Mayil iragai" is the melody of the year!! Stunning is the word!! I am just amazed by how ARR could just come out with divine music that stirs the soul. The musical part during 1:27 and 1:50 gives me a feeling that can only be described as the harmone arousing facial expressions when you run a peacock feather on a pretty face! The singer Naresh Iyer is quite a good find but sounds like Haricharan of Kathal fame.
The third song "Marankothiye" is the remix version of "Mayil Iragai". This is another amazing song of the album. This song has amazing interludes, great beats and is on the way to become a chart buster!
The fourth song "Thaluvuthu" is definitely an interesting song. Sung by my favourites SPB and Shreya Ghosal, this song is a typical trademark SJS song!! The best part of the song is at 5:16 when SPB starts sings "Ho hoiiiiii" and the song takes a faster pace and goes back to its original pace!! Beautiful is the word!!!
The fifth song "Varugirai" shows why ARR is GOD!! Is there any music director in this world who can compose such a complex song? This song is somewhat similar to style and substance of "Hey goodbye nanmba" from Ayutha Eluthu, where a single song is split into different tunes with the singers singing in different ranges. Hariharan and Chithra have done a great job!! Check out the interludes at 1:55 - mind blowing!!
The sixth song which is "Thigu Thigu" is not my cup of cappuccino ;) Sung by Sadhana Sargam this is an OK song..Its just not my type of song :(
On the whole, this album is a BIG slap for all the pretenders of ARR, who has proved to them that He is the Evergreen King of Indian Film Music!
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Hello World!
Ho, I have been smitten by the blogging bug too!! I have been a vivid reader of the different blogs in the Internet and wondered why not try my hand in this too!! I am going to just write my mind out and sorry if I am going to be blunt with my comments!! I wanted to start my blogging by writing on my Great ARR - the greatest musician ever to live on this earth - but just thought why not taste the superb dessert after a horrid meal!! Then only we will know the value of the nice dessert..So after a hard head breaking search, I came with the following:
I am currently listening to Thotti Jaya by Harris Jeyaraj aka Wholesale Xerox Machine ;).. The album clearly shows he has done justice to his prestigious hard earned title :))...
The first song Achuvellam is an amalgamation of Ichutha from Run by Vidyasagar and the punjabi beats remind me of the one song in Karna!!
The second song Uyire en Uyire sounds good to me. A great melody worth repeat listenings..The male singer is Karthik. Gosh, he has such a manly voice that vibrates!!
The third one is a pakka masala intro song I guess..A rehash of his own Arul song (tirunelveli halwada)!! A definite skip over!
The fourth song is Yaaridamum is the rehash of Ye Chilipi from Gharshana..Ye Chilipi is one of my all time favourite song!! What an amazing tune..Srinivas's voice was just an out of the world experience!! It was a catalyst for my love towards Asin, sung mellifluously by Srinivas. Ramesh Vinayagam's voice does not do any justice to the beautiful tune!! A definite wrong choice of singer..HJ shuld have stuck with the great Srinivas or may be try SPB or even Karthik!!
The fifth song clearly shows why HJ is called the modern era copy cat of TFM!! Jaari singari is nothing but a mixture of 2 tablespoons of Umma Umma from Adithadi by Deva, 2 tablespoons of Ethuku pondatti from Kilaku Cheemayilai by the GREAT ARR and 2 tablespoons of Poda Poda Punaku from Rasavin Manasilae by IR!! HJ you should get the PhD title for finding out new methods of copying mate! Keep up the good work ;)
The last one is the theme music must be definitely from some English film!! Can someone findout and tell me :))..
Except for the Uyire song and the rehash version of Ye Chilipi - this album is one that would satisfy the hunger of your dustbin! Man I want my dessert immediately!!